We managed to have you build a tradition emblazoned on apple.
- At the fourth edition of the “Holy apples” we can talk about tradition. This year, at the request of residents, we organize a party on Saturday, September 10, and no longer on a Sunday, so that you can no longer poświętować. Then Mstow where the market will be waiting a lot of attractions fruit and not only that, but of course the apple as the main theme. And in addition to lots of music, fun, opportunity to purchase different varieties of apples and processed fruit.
How large are the areas of orchards in Mstów?
- It is about 200 hectares. It should be emphasized that the fruit in our community is a multigenerational tradition, sometimes dating back to the fourth generation. This activity deals with dozens of families. Orchards have evolved over the years. They are modernly conducted at the same time to the endeavor of sustainable, avoiding the abuse of safeguard measures. The village of the most evocative of apples is Zawada, where the entire season summer-autumn until early winter, you can buy all sorts of fruits of early varieties of strawberries by plums, pears, apples, raspberries, blueberries. The second village is Wancerzów and Siedlce just near Czestochowa. Fruit farmers invest a lot. It’s nice, but hard work and requires commitment throughout the year. First you have to grow and then sell what nowadays is art. The more the urge to buy our mstowskich apples.
Municipality Mstów can also boast about your product: cider …
- Cider, of course, also reigns on our holiday, yet not produced in us and made our semi-finished product, which is a natural, fresh-squeezed apple juice and our apples. It will also be harder processed products, which calvadosy, or alcohol apple. But also plenty of cakes with apples. I do not naturally be lacking entertainment. We are preparing a lot of competitions, including peeling apples at the time and create different things with apples.
Will there be a surprise?
- Last year there was the installation of white boxes labeled “Fruit in Mstów”, which served different purposes, also to sit on. They liked very much and that is why this year they will appear as gadgets in competitions, they can be also purchased. And a lot of new stalls and competitions. I think slowly worked out in the Silesian province position of the first manufacturer of fruit. This is our potential, which is worth to be proud of.
The municipality supports growers?
- Of course. We build primarily brand, which – I think – is accepted as an aid and appreciated. We also try to help specifically. Together with growers built a water pipe used for drip irrigation orchards. We create a fruit stops. The first was established in the town of Zawada. This “stop Raspberry”. More are in store for the replacement and it will be stops: Apple, Strawberry and Plum. We strive to consistently build Mstowska apple brand. Prestigious successes we can include that our apples are purchased to promote the province of Silesia.
What are the apples Mstowski?
- In advertising, we use the slogan: “Be well, eat apples from the community Mstów.” And in fact they are healthy, as confirmed even people allergic to fruits, claiming that the mstowskich not have any problems. Still, there are new varieties, more palatable and suitable for processing.
Thank you for the interview
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