Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The story of a woman who elektryzowała audience. Dancer in Movies. BiałystokOnline.pl

In the framework of a connoisseur of the Movie, you can watch the film “the Dancer” tells the story of the famous Marie-Louise fuller.

the Story of a woman who elektryzowała audience. "Dancer" in the Cinema

Pictures: material distributor

When Marie-Louise fuller came to this world, absolutely nothing pointed to the fact that the girl in the future will be the star of the European Opera and cabaret the time of the Belle Epoque.

Louie every night elektryzowała the audience with his dance, which was called serpentynowym. Fuller quickly became a symbol of the era, and it veiled the movement on stage, embellished by the play of light, had a great influence on the visual arts and not only. To the feet of the dancers fell by the lumière brothers, Toulouse-Lautrec if Auguste Rodin.

physical activity one threatening injury, permanent makeup brilliance lights harmful to the eyes – nothing was able to stop the dancer’s success in the pursuit of excellence. Only meeting with młodziutką, incredibly talented Isadorą Duncan led to the fall of this legend.

on Wednesday (21.12). 18.45 in cinema Helios in the alpha Center will be able to see the movie “the Dancer” tells the story of Marie-Louise fuller.

the Films presented in the Expert often works niche with an intriguing plot and intelligent humor, work to enrich the audience with new values, experience and aesthetic qualities.

Check out: Movie Connoisseur “Dancer”


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