Monday, November 21, 2016

Białostoczanki will perform at the Polish-German production – Biał

Two białostoczanki – North Garbacik and Juliet Dondziło in dance performances of “Lighting” and “a…b”, acclaimed German choreographer Anna Konjetzky. They can be viewed on Saturday (22.11) in the Bialystok Puppet Theatre.

Białostoczanki will perform at the Polish-German production

Pictures: content organizer

Karolina Garbacik and Julia Dondziło in the play “Lighting” will dance side by side with three Poles, two Italians, Australijki and Belgijki.

“Lighting” is the choreography grows from observations of the actions of the protesting groups and their emotions hidden in the body. The play is a peculiar kind of study on the phenomenon of the crowd.

the Name “Lighting” has for me a double meaning, because in the active process involved both the subject and the subject. If anything I turn, the action does not remain under my control, but creates a “burning” object, which is smoldering on their own, without my influence, – says Anna Konjetzky.

in addition to Carolina Erik Garbacik and Makohona Anna Konjetzky has created an abstract duet in which two characters attraction towards each other and go, can not come to a common agreement. Attention returns they shook, rozdygotany and rozedrgany way of moving in space, which refers to the way of functioning in the world rozchwianej of the individual in modern society.

Poland premiere of “Lighting” and the world premiere of “a, b” took place on 20 November in Krakow Cricotece. In Bialystok performances will be exhibited one time: 22 November at 19.00 h in the Bialystok Puppet Theatre. After the performance in the Bialystok Puppet Theatre, the team will visit Gdansk.

With Poland produced to Kabardino-Balkaria Association Dance project was created in co-production with Cricoteką, Association the Krakow Dance Theatre Foundation, Performa, Danceoffnią, and partners were the Institute of Music and Dance, as well as BTL.

the Repertoire BTL-u


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